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City Council - Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
City Annex Building
509 W. Broadway, Fritch, TX 79036
6:00 PM

EDC Regular Meeting
Monday, September 9, 2024
City Annex Building
509 W. Broadway, Fritch, Tx 79036
3:00 PM


City Budgets

Properties for sale through Texas Communities Group


City bills are due by the 15th of every month. Payments submitted  after 5pm on the 15th will incur a 10% late fee. Accounts that have not been paid in full by 5pm on the 25th of the month will be disconnected and a $40 reconnect fee is assessed to restore service .

Additional details can be found at:

and viewing Sections 13.04.031-13.04.034.



Did you know...
In the event of an emergency/disaster emergency personnel will locate your storm shelter address via PRPC registry?  Call them today to insure your shelter is registered properly!

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Please locate the counties where you currently live or work

This system is managed by members of the local government within Hutchinson County and provides information for all local jurisdictions including Borger, Fritch, Stinnett, Sanford, and Morse.  

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City of Fritch – Civil Rights Notices


Notice - Policy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability

The City of Fritch does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities. Brent Sheets, City Manager, has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CFR Part 8).


Aviso - Política de no discriminación sobre la base de la discapacidad

La Ciudad de Fritch no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a, o el empleo en, sus programas o actividades con asistencia federal. Brent Sheets, administrador de la ciudad, ha sido designado para coordinar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de no discriminación contenidos en las regulaciones del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) que implementan la Sección 504 (24 CFR Parte 8).


Notice - Citizen Participation & Grievance Procedures Notice

The City of Fritch has adopted complaint and grievance procedures regarding its Texas Community Development Block Grant Programs (TxCDBG). Citizens may obtain a copy of these written procedures at Fritch City Hall, 104 N. Robey Ave. Fritch, TX 79036, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Citizens may also request the procedures be mailed to them by calling Brent Sheets, City Manager at (806) 857-3143. These procedures outline the steps for a citizen to follow if they wish to file a complaint or grievance about TxCDBG activities.


A person who has a complaint or grievance about any services or activities with respect to the TxCDBG project, may during regular business hours submit such complaint or grievance, in writing to the City of Fritch at 104 N. Robey Ave. Fritch, TX 79036, or may call (806) 857-3143. The City of Fritch will make every effort to respond fully to such complaints within fifteen (15) working days where practicable.


Aviso - Participación Ciudadana y Procedimientos de Quejas Aviso

La Ciudad de Fritch ha adoptado procedimientos de quejas y reclamos con respecto a sus Programas de Subsidios en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Texas (TxCDBG). Los ciudadanos pueden obtener una copia de estos procedimientos escritos en Fritch City Hall, 104 N. Robey Ave. Fritch, TX 79036, entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 5:00 p. m. De lunes a viernes. Los ciudadanos también pueden solicitar que se les envíen los procedimientos por correo llamando a Brent Sheets, administrador de la ciudad al (806) 857-3143. Estos procedimientos describen los pasos que debe seguir un ciudadano si desea presentar una queja o reclamo sobre las actividades de TxCDBG.


Una persona que tenga una queja o agravio sobre cualquier servicio o actividad con respecto al proyecto TxCDBG, puede durante el horario comercial normal presentar dicha queja o agravio, por escrito a la Ciudad de Fritch en 104 N. Robey Ave. Fritch, TX 79036, o puede llamar al (806) 857-3143. La Ciudad de Fritch hará todo lo posible para responder plenamente a dichas quejas dentro de los quince (15) días hábiles cuando sea factible.


Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

The City of Fritch does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.


Declaración de Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo

La Ciudad de Fritch no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género u origen nacional.

Proclamation of April, 2023 as Fair Housing Month


WHEREAS     Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, prohibits discrimination in housing and declares it a national policy to provide, within constitutional limits, for fair housing in the United States; and


WHEREAS     The principle of Fair Housing is not only national law and national policy, but a fundamental human concept and entitlement for all Americans; and


WHEREAS     The National Fair Housing Law, during the month of April, provides an opportunity for all Americans to recognize that complete success in the goal of equal housing opportunity can only be accomplished with the help and cooperation of all Americans.


NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the City Council of the City of Fritch, do proclaim April 2023 as Fair Housing Month in the City of Fritch and do hereby urge all the citizens of this locality to become aware of and support the Fair Housing law.




Proclamación de abril de 2023 como Mes de Vivienda Justa



CONSIDERANDO QUE el Título VIII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1968, enmendada, prohíbe la discriminación en la vivienda y declara que es política nacional proporcionar, dentro de los límites constitucionales, una vivienda justa en los Estados Unidos; y


CONSIDERANDO QUE el principio de Vivienda Justa no es solo una ley nacional y una política nacional, sino un concepto humano fundamental y un derecho para todos los estadounidenses; y


CONSIDERANDO QUE la Ley Nacional de Vivienda Justa, durante el mes de abril, brinda una oportunidad para que todos los estadounidenses reconozcan que el éxito total en la meta de igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda solo se puede lograr con la ayuda y cooperación de todos los estadounidenses.


AHORA, POR LO TANTO, NOSOTROS, el Concejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Fritch, proclamamos julio de 2023 como el Mes de Vivienda Justa en la Ciudad de Fritch e instamos a todos los ciudadanos de esta localidad a conocer y apoyar la ley de Vivienda Justa.

We would be happy to hear from you. If you have questions or need assistance regarding city matters, call us, or stop by City Hall.
104 N. Robey Ave. Fritch, TX 79036
Direct employee emails are on staff information tab above.

Capital Improvement Plan

Below is a link to the City's long-term plan for improvements to street, sewer, and water infrastructure. As with any plan, details are subject to change for a wide variety of reasons. This plan serves as a guide and may be adjusted for unforeseen variables.

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